Dr.-Ing. Sören Tempel he, him

A portrait photo of Sören Tempel showing a white man with short dark hair and glasses

I am a computer science researcher working as a postdoc in the Reliable System Software group at the Technische Universität Braunschweig.

Previously, I worked in the Group of Computer Architecture at the University of Bremen where I finished my doctorate in June 2024. In my spare time, I am a regular contributor to various open source projects (e.g. Alpine Linux).



  1. Accurate and Extensible Symbolic Execution of Binary Code based on Formal ISA Semantics. PDF #

    Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2025.

  2. Accurate Binary-Level Symbolic Execution of Embedded Firmware. DOI #

    Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (SUUB), 2024.

  3. Minimally Invasive Generation of RISC-V Instruction Set Simulators from Formal ISA Models. PDF DOI #

    Forum for Specification and Design Languages (FDL), 2023.

  4. Versatile and Flexible Modelling of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture. PDF DOI #

    24th International Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP), 2023.

  5. Specification-based Symbolic Execution for Stateful Network Protocol Implementations in the IoT. DOI #

    IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J), 2023.

  6. SISL: Concolic Testing of Structured Binary Input Formats via Partial Specification. DOI PDF Artifacts #

    International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), 2022.

  7. 3D Visualization of Symbolic Execution Traces. DOI PDF #

    Forum for Specification and Design Languages (FDL), 2022.

  8. Towards Quantification and Visualization of the Effects of Concretization during Concolic Testing. DOI #

    IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL), 2022.

  9. SymEx-VP: An open source virtual prototype for OS-agnostic concolic testing of IoT firmware. DOI Artifacts #

    Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), 2022.

  10. Automated Detection of Spatial Memory Safety Violations for Constrained Devices. DOI PDF #

    27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2022.

  11. In-Vivo Stack Overflow Detection and Stack Size Estimation for Low-End Multithreaded Operating Systems using Virtual Prototypes. DOI PDF Artifacts #

    Forum for Specification and Design Languages (FDL), 2021.

  12. Adaptive simulation with Virtual Prototypes in an open-source RISC-V evaluation platform. DOI #

    Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), 2021.

  13. Towards Reliable Spatial Memory Safety for Embedded Software by Combining Checked C with Concolic Testing. DOI PDF #

    58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2021.

  14. An Effective Methodology for Integrating Concolic Testing with SystemC-based Virtual Prototypes. DOI PDF #

    Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2021.

  15. Mutation-based Compliance Testing for RISC-V. DOI PDF #

    26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2021.

  16. Adaptive Simulation with Virtual Prototypes for RISC-V: Switching Between Fast and Accurate at Runtime. DOI PDF Presentation #

    IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2020.


  1. Operating Systems. Teaching Assistant

    4223010, Technical University of Braunschweig, Winter 2024.

  2. Quality Oriented System Design. Tutor

    MB-701.03, University of Bremen, Sommer 2023.

  3. IoT4u (Student Master Project). Supervisor

    03-IBPJ-IOT4U, University of Bremen, Winter 2022 - Sommer 2023.

  4. Quality Oriented System Design. Tutor

    MB-701.03, University of Bremen, Sommer 2022.

  5. IoT4u (Student Bachelor Project). Supervisor

    03-IBPJ-IOT4U, University of Bremen, Winter 2021 - Sommer 2022.

  6. Practical Introduction in Modern System Design with C++. Tutor

    03-IMVP-MSE (03-ME-701.15), University of Bremen, Winter 2021.

  7. Technical Computer Science 2. Student Tutor

    BA-700.12, University of Bremen, Winter 2017.

  8. Technical Computer Science 2. Student Tutor

    BA-700.12, University of Bremen, Winter 2016.